It lets people build generators like this one. Welcome to Powder Toy's world of ambient heat, Newtonian gravity and water equalisation. Impressive creations, absolutely - but not functioning thermonuclear reactors. In the meantime, I have Powder Toy, another, more complex falling sand simulation. Perhaps I'll still get to play it, one day. I'm intrigued by the game this might have been: concocting elaborate displays with a purpose beyond prettiness or novelty. The third Noita developer, Olli Harjola, responded to a question in Reddit AMA saying "at one point the game was going to be a Black & White-esque game where you play as a god who leads their followers by performing miracles (i.e. One of Noita's early forms was a little closer to these digital light shows. They've recreated sonic levels, authentically visualised the danger of smoking, and built mesmerising chain reactions. In Powder Game, people have made drinks machines and Death Stars.

As fellow dev Arvi Teikari has already noted to Alice Bee, this is "seldom helpful, but interesting to look at".Ĭreating or observing things that interesting to look at is pretty much the entire draw of falling sand games, and goes well beyond dissolving ants in acid. Then that lava might run into a pool of water, transforming some into rock and some into steam, which then might hit the ceiling and condense into rain. In Noita, you might zap a fire elemental, then sit back as its lava blood burns through the spiders around it. To make liquids have different densities you just compare the densities when figuring out if you can go down (and then swap the pixels)." With those rules, you get a rudimentary 2D liquid. If not, they check left and right to see if they can move that way. For example, liquid pixels first check if they can go down. "Every pixel in the game follows rather simple rules, but when you combine them together you get surprising and unexpected results. "Essentially, it’s complex cellular automata", reads Purho's post. The lineage from falling sand to Noita's "Falling Everything" engine is even clearer. Before Noita he worked on Crayon Physics Deluxe, which has obvious physics-y parallels. The basics of falling sand games are simple, and well-explained by one of Noita's three developers, Petri Purho, in this blog post. Little did I then know that such "falling sand" games would one day inspire Nolla Games to make Noita, their platforming roguelike where "every pixel is simulated" - but experiments have more serious consequences. It's a 'simple' simulation where you conjure different elements and watch them interact, and I remember mucking about with it back in my school days. We're poking at Powder Game, also known as Dust. "They're suspended in the ants!", cries Sin. Some of the stickmen jump into them, and get stuck there. I obligingly sweep my mouse across the screen, summoning a haze of insects. This is not nearly violent enough for Sin, who has seen the Ant button. Cover them in ants." The RPS treehouse is gathered around my screen, where several dozen stickmen are currently duking it out in a blank 2D void.